How To Get Verified On Instagram in 2023 with & without payment to get Verification Badge

Updated on: May 1, 2023

The vivid space Instagram is, it is likely to work on its updates every waking minute. The app already has a lot to offer and there is no way it is coming to a halt anytime soon.

Now, while we talk about that, we also know that the number of users is increasing manifold and there is no going back from that.

With that, the number of people who want to build a career here or want to make a mark of their own has also increased and that has led to great competition.

From following tips and tricks for enhancing engagement to making a unique profile, folks tend to do all of it.

In this context, we have one which not everyone can be lucky to get hold of and that is Instagram verification.

Let us talk about that in detail.

Verification Badge on Instagram in 2023



Verification is a very big deal on Instagram. Once you have the blue tick on your profile, that counts your profile as notable.

When someone searches for something related to your relevant niche, keyword, or your name for that matter, your profile is more likely to pop up.

Apart from it the validation and engagement it brings are uncanny. It gives the user’s subconscious mind an assurity to trust the profile and its owner.

We will discuss the importance in the later part. But, getting hold of one is not an easy process.

How to Get Verified on Instagram?

Getting verified is a big step in the online world. It changes your online presence in a way that you can never imagine.

The validation and the traffic it brings in terms of numbers will be understood after a certain period.

Instagram offers a process for every public account to put forward a request for the same and a thorough checking is carried out to know if the profile is eligible or not.

  1. Using Normal Legacy verification.
  2. Using the Paid feature of META to verify Instagram.

1. Using Normal Legacy verification

The steps are as follows:

  1. Tap on the “hamburger” icon at the right side top.
  2. Go to settings.
  3. Tap on the account.
  4. Tap on Request verification.
  5. Fill in the application form
  6. Tap Send

Now, while filling in the application form, you have to use your legal name, your working name, your niche, your ID proof.

Make sure you stay ready with all the requisites and fill-up the form properly.

One thing to note is that even though the process can be fulfilled at the tip of the button, getting past it is no easy task.

The worst part is they can reject your application without any feedback or explanation whatsoever.

A lot of criteria are to be fulfilled to get through this.

Those are:

  • Authenticity
  • Uniqueness
  • Completest
  • Notability



Authenticity is the basic need. There is no way to get through this process if the profile doesn’t look authentic.

The profile has to be a registered person or business and should be able to produce legal documents as well.

The user has to put forward the application and profile in such a way that there is no space for anything plagiarised or fake.



This has to be the crucial reason for the rejection of most profiles. If your profile doesn’t represent your person or business as unique, there is no way of getting forward.

While you talk of verification, you think of accounts that stand out. People or businesses that have made a mark with their online presence.

So, there comes a necessity of uniqueness. It is very important to always portray what you as a brand or person can do those others cannot.

That does not mean being vague. Always ensure to have a substance in yourself.




Well, the account has to be public for that matter and it also should ensure to make use of the space provided by Instagram to make an identity.

Here we are talking about bio and profile photos. Not that having anything fancy in this aspect will help you out, but ensure to keep it up to the mark to make the image.




The account needs to be of substance. To break it down, we can say that the account that is trying to get verified is worthy of that or not.

Instagram verifies your account so that it stands out but if your account doesn’t fit in the criteria where people tend to search or your profile doesn’t make a mark in the search, there is no point in getting verified.

Instagram makes use of outside sources and its algorithm to get these details. This way, we can have a clear idea of how almost all the celebrities or big brands are notified.

Verification on Instagram is not a thing for beginners. It is a process that needs to be given a try after you have made a mark among your audience. It can only accelerate the process not initiate.

How to Get Verified on Instagram for Free with Easy Hacks in 2023

In the above-mentioned space, we have talked about how the profile should come out for making it worthy of verification.

Here, we will discuss some tips and tricks that you can follow while building your brand and these will help you get the much-desired blue tick in front of your name.

  • Complete bio
  • Honesty
  • Presence outside the app
  • Notable
  • Regular posts
  • Increase engagement and traffic

Complete Bio


Your bio holds a lot of importance in the app. It is the need of the hour to acknowledge it. So, a complete and proper bio should never be ignored.

That doesn’t mean you have to use sophisticated words and make it look posh. There is no point in making it fancy if it does not connect to the masses.

The bio is written for that purpose. So, keep it simple, classy, and absolutely to the point.

Make Instagram believe that your bio describes your profile in the best way. The idea between posts and the words on the bio should follow the same theme.




As we can see that there is no lack of people with content to share and it is getting messed up now to a great extent.

Now, to mark your presence in the chaos, always ensure, to be honest with whatever you have to offer.

Your brand or your person will lose all essence if you cannot make users believe in your honesty and that can make you lose the traffic that has already been gathered.

Presence Outside the App



Who you are in person also holds importance in getting verified on Instagram or any socials. Here, the talk is not about behavioral traits, it is about social presence or influence for that matter.

That is the reason why celebrities tend to get verified earlier than social media influencers as the latter one is making the social life on the media itself. Any high-profile person or business tends to get verified faster than others and this is the reason why.


As we have talked about what it stands for earlier, let us talk more about it. To make your profile notable, you have to make it unique and presentable.

Try engaging with followers, this will make you a reference point and gradually a matter of discussion as well.

Once you get the engagement, how you maintain it and keep it intact requires vigorous work, and if you continue doing that you will also be referred further and that will lead to being noteworthy.

Regular Posts



Key to all your problems and one of the best ways to fulfill all the above requisites is regular post. There is no second option to that.

Posting regularly also comes with some conditions. First of all, the profile should not look clumsy. Maintain the look of your profile. Give rigorous attention to how presentable your post looks.

Secondly, it should make sense to the niche. No matter what niche you choose, make sure you do not mix it up too much. Have a theme and never deviate. The theme can be contrasted as well.

Increase Engagement and Traffic




There are umpteenth number of ways on how you can do that. But, the basis of all, is to look after the algorithm. There is no Instagram without a proper algorithm. At times, it demands weird steps to be followed.

The only way you can play any trick is to try to make it look as easy as possible. Hashtags, appealing profiles, SEO, and many other ways can take you a long way.

The more traffic and engagement your profile has gained, the more substance it has and that can be a plus point in your application for verification.cFor the initial hike, you can buy followers on MegaFamous.

2. Using the Paid feature of META to verify Instagram in 2023

If you are willing to pay for your Instagram verification badge then here are some steps to do it.

  1. Go to the Meta Verified website.
  2. Click on the "Get Started" button.
  3. Sign in to your Instagram account.
  4. Read and agree to the terms and conditions.
  5. Select your plan.
  6. Provide your payment information.
  7. Submit your application.

The pricing for Meta Verified is as follows:

  • Web: $11.99 USD per month
  • iOS and Android: $14.99 USD per month

Please note that there is no guarantee that your application will be approved. Meta will review each application and make a decision based on a number of factors, including the following:

  • The notability of your account
  • The completeness of your application
  • The accuracy of the information you provide

If your application is approved, you will receive a verification badge on your Instagram profile. This badge will help to distinguish your account from other accounts and make it more difficult for people to impersonate you.

Here are some additional tips for increasing your chances of getting verified:

  • Make sure your account is complete and up-to-date. This includes having a profile photo, bio, and website.
  • Post high-quality content on a regular basis. This will help to attract more followers and make your account more visible.
  • Engage with other users on Instagram. This includes liking, commenting, and following other accounts.
  • Reach out to the media and other publications. This will help to increase your online presence and make you more well-known.

By following these tips, you can increase your chances of getting verified on Instagram in 2023.

Wrapping up

While we wrap up with this discussion, we have a clear idea of how to get verified on the app.cAlso, we can infer how people who have a good social presence have also worked in that regard. However, knowing all the aspects and the process in detail does not guarantee you a thing as the selection process is a tough nut to crack.

The importance that it holds in terms of engagement and traffic or online validation for that matter is unbeatable.cWhen one gets verified it is like crossing the threshold and it is all uphill from there.

The verification is an online validation for a lifetime because for some reason you could not make good content or are not able to build a profile, any new user coming to your profile will immediately understand that you have something to offer.

It is advisable for any newcomer in the space to think big and build the profile taking an application for verification into account.

Saurabh Mukhekar
Saurabh Mukhekar is a Professional Tech Blogger. World Traveler. He is also thinker, maker, life long learner, hybrid developer, edupreneur, mover & shaker. He's captain planet of BlogSaays and seemingly best described in rhyme. Follow Him On Facebook

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